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Adult Baptism

Baptism is the symbolic start of a new life of faith in and relationship with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It signifies a “new birth” as we emerge “clean” from the baptismal water. It also officially signifies that we are part of the church – not just locally, in the here and now – but throughout the world and throughout history. When we’re baptised, we’re counted amongst God’s eternal adopted family.




You’re never too old to begin a relationship with Jesus. Our faith is a deeply personal thing, but it is something that Jesus instructs us to live out publicly. For Jesus, the first step in his adult ministry was being baptised by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. For 
Christians today, baptism is still the public symbol of our personal relationship with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


If you’d like to discuss your baptism further, then please get in contact with the ministry team via or by telephoning 01733 205 337 so that we can meet you for a coffee (or whatever you fancy!)


Please read on for more information about Adult Baptism in our church community.



What if I was Christened?


You may have been christened as a child. This means that you have already been baptised, although that baptism may not have meant much to you until today. If you were christened, we can still celebrate your faith in Jesus now with a similar public service, at which you can personally acknowledge and inherit the promises made on your behalf by your godparents when you were baptised as a child. You can read these promises below, at the end of the section “The Baptism Service.”


There is also the option of a confirmation service, at which you acknowledge that you want to be a member of Christ’s church and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide your life in prayer.



Preparing for Baptism


At Pathway Church we encourage adults preparing for Baptism to do so through our Alpha Series, which run at different times throughout the year. Alpha takes place over several sessions. At the sessions, adults who want to know more about the Christian faith, life and meaning gather for a meal, videos, and discussion. If you’re unable to attend an upcoming Alpha that does not mean you cannot be baptised. Instead, one-to-one preparation with one of the ministers is another option, with a few meetings over coffee chatting about the Christian faith. Attending Alpha is preferable as it allows for you, and others, to share the journey together as members of the church family.


Watch the Alpha trailer, and find out about when our next Alpha begins, here...



The Baptism service


When you’re ready to make the commitment and promises of baptism, a minister will discuss with you the best service for you to be baptised at. Adult baptism takes place as part of our Sunday worship. They’ll also help you think about which ministers you’d like to be involved, and whether you want to get totally ‘soaked’ or use the historic fonts, present in all our buildings. Adult baptisms don't take place on set dates, instead they take place during the service which you normally attend at any time of the year. Once you've spoken to a minister about baptism, they'll chat about a date with you.


You’ll make the following promises when you’re baptised: To reject the devil and all rebellion against God, to renounce the deceit and corruption of evil, to repent of the sins that separate us from God and neighbour, to turn to Christ as Saviour, to submit to Christ as Lord and to come to Christ, the way, the truth and the life.

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