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Welcome to Pathway Church

Find out more about our church and events, and some FAQs below if you're thinking of joining in with us!

We are the Church of England in Whittlesey, Coates, Turves & Pondersbridge. Day-to-day, we’re a family, united by our faith in and reliance upon God through Jesus. We seek to grow closer in our relationship to God and with one another. We come together on a Sunday for worship, and throughout the week, in our church buildings and out in different places and at different times; to pray, learn, have fun and serve our town and villages together.



Everyone is welcome to our regular and special worship services. We meet for worship every Sunday across our four buildings.


We try to make sure that everyone who comes to our worship services receives a warm welcome.

Our regular services are listed here.


At all of our services, there is someone on the door to welcome you in and answer any questions you might have. If you tell them that its your first time at Pathway Church, they can also give you a welcome pack with plenty more information in it. You can find out about our services this week by reading our latest church mailing.

Traditional Easter service at Whittlesey St Andrew

  • What time does church start?
    You can find details of all of our starting times here.
  • Who is Jesus? What is God?
    Firstly, here is a wonderful video about who Jesus is from the wonderful people at The Bible Project. Christians believe that God is Trinity: Father, Son (born a man as Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Three persons who are, together, one God. The way we know the loving character of God is through Jesus; particularly tanks to the four eyewitness accounts of his life, known as The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Four books that are included in The Bible. The accounts confirm that Jesus was a man, but that he came from the Father. The Holy Spirit is the third person of God the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is alive and present in our church family today, and empowers ordinary people to do the extraordinary in God's name. If you'd like to know more about the "essentials" of Christian faith, visit this useful set of pages on The Church of England website. We'd also really like to invite you to Alpha at Pathway Church - the place where we explore who or what God is.
  • What draws someone to church for the first time?
    Church is for everyone! And so its not unusual for you, or anyone else, to be curious about joining us. Perhaps you've never been to church before, and not grown up or lived around anyone with faith. That's okay - our community is full of lots of people who had never been to church before. We believe in the God who created the entire universe - yet still knows each and everyone of us by name. This God created you - and so it is totally normal to one day want to explore who this God is! And that is why the church exists, to introduce God to people. We don't exist as a club or a society, but a family of people with many differences but one thing in common - a curiosity or longing to discover who God is, and does God make a difference in the world today, and our lives. We pray for our town and villages everyday. And we pray for people who we never meet to come and explore who God is with us - so it might be that your new curiosity or longing is an answer to the prayers we've been praying.
  • What happens when I first come into church?
    You will be greeted by someone on the door who is there to welcome people. At St Mary's, one of the welcomers will invite you over to the tea and coffee bar if you'd like a drink before worship begins. But you can just go and take a seat. There are no sheets or hymn books handed out, anything you'll need to see or read will be on the TV screens. The people leading the service will always help everyone present know what is going on, when to sit or stand etc. In our other buildings, you'll be given a sheet with the order of service on it. The service sheet tells you what happens (in order) during the service, with other instructions such as "we all sit/stand" - but please do remain seated if standing is difficult for you. You'll also be given a hymn book, and hymn numbers will be announced by the leader so that you can find them in the book and join in. At the end of our services there is a chance for the church community to join together in fellowship over tea and coffee.
  • What is prayer?
    Prayer means so much - essentially it is how believers in God communicate with God. This communication is expected to go both ways (we speak, and we listen) and takes many different forms. We really rate these organisations and their resources when you're trying to pray for the first time: "Start to Pray" from 24-7 Prayer and Try Praying. Prayer is an essential part of the Christian faith and therefore the church. We do it as individuals and together. The best place to learn more and share your own ideas of prayer in our church is at Alpha.
  • Can I come and pray?
    Prayer is communication with God. God created us for relationship with him! You can come into our church buildings during the service and light a prayer candle if you'd like, just ask the welcomer where to go and for any help. If you'd like someone to pray for you, or with you, this sometimes happens during the service at the St Marys 11am worship, but a leader will be happy to pray with you after the worship if there isn't an opportunity in the service.
  • What is the service like?
    At St Marys the leaders will run the service from the front in normal clothes, and in an informal style. The service includes parts that we all join in with, and often interactive activities which are explained and that we can all play a part in. We sing songs together as part of our worship, and the words are all on the screens. At Holy Trinity, St Andrews and St Thomas, the service is often led by leaders in robes and is more "traditional" with hymns and an organ. All of our worship, informal or tradition, is focussed on God, and at the heart of it is the Bible reading which is explored for our lives today by a leader, either in a talk, or interactive teaching.
  • What is the dress code?
    There is no dress code for church, you are invited to come as you are and be comfortable. You don't need to wear special clothes.
  • Is there anything for children?
    There are children's spaces with toys and books at Holy Trinity Coates, and St Andrews and St Marys in Whittlesey. At St Marys there is also a large fenced creche area for parents and little ones, with a sofa for adults. There is also a baby changing table in the room at the back of the church seating - just look for the sign. Our services at St Marys on Sundays at 11am are designed to be as accessible as possible to people of all ages, which often includes videos and interactive talks to engage as many age groups as possible.
  • What is Holy Communion and can I join in?
    Holy Communion is a symbolic "meal" that has been a part of the worship of the church for 2000 years. We eat bread and wine as a symbolic remembrance that Jesus died, and rose again. As Jesus broke bread with his friends on the night before he died, so we do the same in the church today to give thanks for Jesus self-sacrifice on the cross, and his resurrection, leading us to eternal life. If you believe that Jesus loves you, died for you, and came back to life to offer you eternal hope then you are welcome to receive communion in church. You'll be given a small bread wafer, or a piece of bread, whilst the leader says the words "the body of Christ", you may also be offered a sip of wine from a shared cup with the words "the blood of Christ" but you don't have to share in that if you don't want to.
  • Is there more to church than Sundays?
    Yes! Church is a worldwide and eternal family of people who have a love for Jesus in common! In our church community we go deeper in our faith through the Alpha course, and with regular socials, courses and Bible studies at The George. We also have regular book reading groups, occasional film nights and summer picnics. All of our church life is published in the weekly newsletter. Some events are also published on our calendar.
  • Parking, toilets and access?
    There is street parking outside or near to all of our buildings. You can find the locations here. Only our building at Holy Trinity Coates has a toilet. St Thomas Pondersbridge does not have step-free access, but all of our other buildings do.
  • My question isn't answered, or I'm still a bit unsure...
    Don't worry! We know FAQs can never answer every question that you may have. We're really keen to answer any questions you might have. We get lots all of the time, don't worry! Just email
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